Garissa High School Details
Garissa High School is located in the Dujis constituency in Township. The school is part in Garissa county in the North Eastern province of Kenya.
The School is a boys’ boarding school. The school’s sponsorship is listed as Central Government/Deb. The School Institution Type is classified as a national school in Kenya.
It has an enrolment of 460 with a student-teacher ratio of 17.7 and a total teaching staff of 26 people. This school has a total acreage of 3285.
Garissa High School History
1969: Opened its door as a pioneer educational institution in Garissa county1978: Admitted the first A level in 1978 and was the only school offering art subjects2012: Elevated to National school status.
Garissa High School KCSE Results
Individual candidates can check their KCSE results by SMS or online using an SMS number or website link provided at the release of the exam. Candidates and parents should visit the school for their official results slip. Results for all candidates and the school national, county and local ranking can also be found from the schools’ office.
The ministry of education advises parents teachers and pupils to check the KCSE result slip for any anomaly such as incorrect candidate’s name, school name and code as well as wrong subject grade and report to KNEC within a month after the announcement.
Garissa High School Fees, Account Number and Uniform
For details on school fees structure, account number and uniform, please contact the principal or the schools office using the contacts below.
Garissa High School Contacts (Address, Location, Email, Telephone and Website)
School Name: Garissa High SchoolPhysical Location: Kismayu RoadAddress: P.O. Box 94, Garissa 70100City/Town: GarissaCounty: GarissaSchool Category: publicSchool Code: 45800001Phone Number: 046-2575Email: None
Garissa High School Website
Garissa Secondary School Highlights
Music: AvailableDrama Club: AvailableDebate Club: AvailableSports Team: Available
Garissa Secondary School Facilities
School Library: AvailableSwimming Pool: Not AvailableSports Field: AvailableComputer Lab: AvailableScience Laboratory: Available